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Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: str_repeat(): Argument #2 ($times) must be greater than or equal to 0 in /home/ultimlt2549/public_html/anuncios/detalle.php:164
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ultimlt2549/public_html/anuncios/detalle.php(164): str_repeat('*', -2)
#1 /home/ultimlt2549/public_html/anuncios/detalle.php(256): hiddenString('AIRBNB', 3, 5)
#2 /home/ultimlt2549/public_html/anuncios/index.php(64): include('/home/ultimlt25...')
#3 /home/ultimlt2549/public_html/index.php(149): include('/home/ultimlt25...')
#4 {main}
thrown in /home/ultimlt2549/public_html/anuncios/detalle.php on line 164